Mac Elrod wrote:

> Kevin said:
> >But field 340 would be where you would record the font size itself as a
> >descriptive aspect.
> What does this accomplish for patrons, if 340 is not in brief display?

What good does the language code in 008/35-37 do?  Or the place of publication 
in 008/15-17?  Or the biography code in 008/34 for books?  Or the relief codes 
in 008/18-21 for maps?

These are all things that are recorded in standardized ways so that systems can 
make use of them.  They might be used to drive some kind of display message if 
someone were to design their OPAC that way.  But more likely, they'd be used in 
facets for filtering search results.  If we were to limit our MARC records only 
to those things that show up in brief OPAC displays, we'd be even worse off 
than we already are in terms of the richness of metadata.

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Northwestern University Library
(847) 491-2939

Proudly wearing the sensible shoes since 1978!

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