The usualyl practical and level headed Kevin said:

>Personally, I'd lean more toward Deborah's "Numbering in the main
?series: 988" since it gives significantly more information than just
>the number alone in a quoted note.

Why would one do such a note in the first place?  Would it not assist
patrons more to have the numbering in the main series follow the name
of the series in 490/830 (series title bracketed or not)?  Would they
not need to be in conjuntion to allow searching and collocation?  What
purpose would the number in a note (with or without other verbage)
serve?  There are plenty of other clues to match description to item.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
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