Thanks for the citation, Mark.  I sometimes provide a summary in Spanish,
Russian, or Polish for resources in those collections, reasoning as Misha
does that mostly native speakers of those languages will be looking for
those materials.  (Usually cribbed from a book cover or publisher's
website, I should add, rather than totally homemade.) I think RDA 5.4 is
non-prescriptive enough to be read as allowing this.

We should be aware that LC and PCC practice as set forth in the LC-PCC PS
for 5.4 prescribes English.  Even so, I see no reason not to provide
parallel summaries when the information is readily available.

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 2:09 PM, M. E. <> wrote:

> Ian Fairclough <> wrote:
>> In hand: a book in French, cataloged using the English language.  Except
>> for the summary, which is in French, and was likely lifted from another
>> source.
>> I see nothing under 7.10 Summarization of the Content to comment on the
>> advisability of including a summary that is in another language than that
>> of the cataloging agency, nor in the LC-PCC PS.
> RDA 5.4, last paragraph: "Record the descriptive attributes of a work or
> expression covered in chapter 7 in a language and script preferred by the
> agency creating the data."
> --
> Mark K. Ehlert
> Minitex
> <>

Richard A. Stewart
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