RDA-L readers,

The language of the cataloging
 agency is English.  Some agencies might have more than one language of 
cataloging, but I don't know if that's permissible or advisable within an 
individual record.  In a private response, someone said to put the summary in 
quotation marks.  But I don't know if it is a quotation or not.  The summary 
was already in the record when I first accessed it.  Yes, if you can read the 
summary then you can read the book, and vice versa.  That doesn't help the 
selector (whether librarian or
 patron) who doesn't read the language of the summary or book but must 
nevertheless decide, from the record, whether the book is of interest.

I did not delete the summary field from the OCLC master.   Nor did I replace it 
with what Google Translate came up with.  My own translation would be an 
improvement on that, but I shouldn't boast so much, and didn't do it.

And it doesn't bother me :-)  though it will likely bother someone. 

- Ian

Ian Fairclough - George Mason University - ifairclough43...@yahoo.com

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