On Mar 26, 2011, at 12:21 PM, Macho Che wrote:
> there're still some errors when I built the modrex with opensim (, 
> need to modify some lines of code.

you are using the branch where Mikko P. earlier made modrex work with some 0.7, 
right? i don't know what 0.7 it was exactly.

did you make the needed changes? patches are welcome :)

afaik no one else is working on that now, as the company that devved modrex 
earlier switched to tundra. there seem to be (a lot of?) users around, though, 
who might benefit from the upgrade (unless they prefer Tundra).

if there is a lot of real need, i can work on this (on generic reX foundation 
funding) when more urgent things are done(*1) 

on Monday we have a planning meeting about founding the realXtend association 
which will be the mechanism how we coordinate development and other 
collaboration around reX in the future. i'll bring this question to the table 
there: how do we find out and decide what would be important to do, with the 
generic funding, and possible fundraising targets etc. for example, should we 
spend generic funding on porting modrex to current Opensim, if no one is doing 
it otherwise.

current form of the association is this mailing list, so you're already a 
member, and can vote by saying here what you'd need :)

with Tundra dev already works like in open source normally: different companies 
implement what they need, and that's how it develops for everyone. and 
individuals do stuff for fun and just to help others :) same works for 
Taiga/modrex if there are people or companies who really need it -- they can do 
what they need, e.g. by hiring someone to do it. or try to talk someone into 
making it for fun (that happens sometimes in e.g. blender, have done little 
things there myself too just for fun).

did you already find out with opensim 0.6.9 + modrex & naali that the tech 
works for you otherwise, just would need to get opensim upgraded to actually 
use it? about the problem with realxtend.org authentication server -- you don't 
need that to login to your opensim, can use also normal opensim login & 

and notably: you don't need to install modrex to test how Naali works on your 
server - you can login to vanilla Opensim (and theoretically SL) too. you 
mentioned that you have something built with prims there already -- does Naali 
render them correctly? currently it handles some prim builds correctly, and 
some not, I don't know yet what the bug / missing feature is (except that 
sculpts are not implemented, afaik would be a 4 hour job or so to add).

final point: if what matters to you is the existing prim builds, it is also 
possible to get prim support to Tundra too with a little refactoring(*2) in the 
Naali code. then could e.g. write an OAR/IAR importer. do tell, anyone, if this 
would be *really* useful for you. is useful if the Tundra featureset + prims is 
what you need. typically e.g. improving the Collada support is the relevant 
thing, but who knows, there are also fun OARs & IARs around .. and prim 
building can be a lot of fun, PrimWords(*3) is the best opensim game i've seen 
:) (perhaps even best computer game overall :o)


(*1) most urgent thing for me currently is debugging a crash that happens on 
mac only and only in the full Chesepeake bay demo, not in any of the small demo 
scenes with much of the same functionality, nor in chesapeake with the static 
scene only. have no clue of the reason yet. if someone has a mac and likes 
hunting bugs, get http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9644277/Tundra-1.0.3.zip and test if:
this works: ./server-osx --file http://www.realxtend.org/world/lvm/lvm.txml
this crashes: ./server-osx --file 
.. then either debug with gdb, or bring in entities from _full one by one to 
the emptier one and see when crashes. gdb didn't tell me anything useful yet, 
will continue on Monday. oh and lvm_full worked in my own build, when didn't 
have cg enabled, so it might be some shader that some of the animals uses.

(*2) refactoring prims to tundra: move/copy-paste the prim shape code from 
EC_OpensimPrim to a new LLUDP & prim-centered-object-model independent EC_Prim 
that works also in Tundra -- is easy 'cause don't need to do anything with 
networking as the EC attribute authosync would give the prim data from server 
to clients then.

(*3) PrimWords: "PrimWords is a fun team game, like Pictionary, but you build 
with prims instead of draw pictures. The game's scoreboard, rules and scripts 
were developed by Warin Cascabel, one of OSGrid's early pioneers " .. i was in 
watching it there once and loved it :) 


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