Heya Larry,

LP> If you have Command you could just access one ot the C functions like CLOCK
LP> in a shared-object or DLL which implements the C runtime library.

That's a valid point. That really depends how easy that is to do, I
use Rebol because I can't physically stand the sight of C. :)

Mmm - I suppose I should put an official request in for a build of
Command based on the experimental build.

Oh yes - one more thing, since clearly you chaps would know this. What
handheld computer is best supported by Rebol? That might just sway my
decision. I have a natural tendency to EPOC gear since it's
frighteningly more efficient than WinCE and you get proper keyboards.

Any opinions?

Mat Bettinson - EuroGamer's Gaming Evangelist with a Goatee
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