Hi Jamey,

I really like the fact that there's no shell access in Rebol/core.
It means I can take just about any script and use it on any computer,
which I do, all the time.
I do rebol programming on three different platforms depending on where I
am at the moment. If shell access was available I have a feeling that
people would use it more than necessary to add 'cool' features etc by
hooking up to resources which doesn't exist (or works differently)
on some platforms.
It would be a lot of extra work to get these programs to work on all
A program such as a file manager should really work on all platforms,
don't you think?

Working with REBOL is a breath of fresh air compared to Working with Java
and other languages wich claims to be platform independent.
REBOL really does work flawlessly across platforms. With other languages
there are all sorts of issues.

The way it is now, with REBOL/Command available for purchase, suits me
very well, and I think most newcomers with little experience in
programming will feel the same way.


On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Jamey Cribbs wrote:

> Couldn't agree with you more about shell access.
> I believe it was yesterday that someone posted a script he had written that
> allowed him to send an email via sendmail.  It was a great piece of
> programming, but I find it humorous that he actually had to jump through that
> many hoops just to do something that would be very easy if core included
> shell access.
> I've heard the reasons RT gives for not including shell access in core...and
> they just don't wash with me.  But, it's there product.
> Jamey.

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