I have to agree with Petr... at least we nead ability to launch external
application or documents (with their default "viewer"). Adding shell and
library to /Core would be great, but in fact we have to consider that /Core
and /Command are not realeased for the same number of OS, mainly because of
the library and DB functionality i gess. I can understand that... but would
it be so much work to add only the shell support to Core ?
I think it's a verry important feature requiered by most users, and it is
provided by other scripting languages. Rebol is a realy great language, i
would like to see its bright success... maybe i'm wrong, but i feel that
discading shell acces is not a good point to achive such a success.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Petr Krenzelok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 11:04 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: zip file support wanted - help needed

> Each coin has two sides, of course. Well, what about following:?
> "Lack of /shell and /library components in /Core language limits general
> language acceptance pretty well" ....
> I know what multiplatform issue means. I am sorry but sometimes all that
> be-multiplatform-or-die voices sounds a little bit "masochistic" to me :-)
> Isn't purpose of language to SOLVE various situations in first place? How
> often do MOST ppl in reality need their solution to work on more than one
> platform? On more than two platforms? etc.?
> We should probably find some balance here. Many ppl here expressed need
> link to external environments here already. We probably lost some ppl
> already too because of that fact.
> What about even this?: I will produce some script, which is supposed to
> some other script, or load image .... but I will forget to send you such
> image. My script works on my platform, but does not on another one. It IS
> dependant on my environment, using current /Core.
> In opposite - what about this?: I want to call external archiver, pkzip
> e.g. Have you realised, that you can find some freeware utils for almost
> platform you can imagine? And if you don't have gzip with your platform
> installed? So what? One script will not work. But if you want, you CAN
> the same way as today - being truly multiplatform ....
> So you still prefer the way to be "dead" in certain areas? Or you want to
> suggest me to buy 2xx or 4xx USD /Command, just to execute external
> I think /Express is the answer for RT to make money. It's a product, which
> adds value to Rebol technology, while /Core, /Shell and /Library should be
> regarded technologies imo.
> ... being with Rebol from its beginning, I think it completly deserves
> more acceptance. And that's the reason I would let ppl to use it in
> environment they can imagine. At least in non-commercial environments ....
> I can't help myself, sorry :-)
> -pekr-

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