On 03-Aug-02, Carl at REBOL wrote:
> A new REBOL/Core has been released for testing purposes.
> Check out the list of changes and find out where to get
> it at:

>     http://www.reboltech.com/downloads/changes.html

> Some of the changes include:

>     MAKE-DIR Rewritten
>     New Bitset Functions: CLEAR, LENGTH?, EMPTY?
>     Changes to SKIP Function
>     ARRAYs Initialized with Block Values
>     Added PARSE BREAK Word
>     Fix to OPEN on Network Ports
>     Fixed Crash on Modified Functions
>     Unset Object Variables (on Exit)
>     Added BUILD-MARKUP Function
>     Revised BUILD-TAG Function
>     Revised DECODE-CGI Function
>       and more...

> Some of the changes to functions like BUILD-TAG might be
> worth discussing... because the old function was pretty bad,
> and the new one is not that compatible with it (if anyone
> was in fact using the old one.)

> Let me know what you think. There's more to do, but we didn't
> want to hold up some of the nicer changes to wait for everything.

> Newer versions of /View, /Command, /Encap, /Link, and /Serve
> will be made available soon.

And they seem to be there now.  Encap's free for downloading?  That's
a first, isn't it?  What's its licence say?

Carl Read

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