Hi Jason,

You wrote:

I can see you are fired up about something potent, modular, edu-oriented and 
> Please can you try to explain in a couple of paragraphs your main idea.

I hope nothing less than to do one of these 2 things :

1) permit collaboration with some existing eLearning platform(s) that is(are) 
currently supporting the use of basic collaborative
educational REUSABLE components (like in the E-Slate project previously refered) for 
TRUE interactive sims - but the offered
environment must also permit every teacher or talented student/researcher to submit 
his own educational components, ones that will
be REBOL scriptable too - if done by knowledgeable power-users - or assembled from a 
templating system if done by end-users that
don't want to get inside details (like me after some long years to learn and relearn a 
new language/system every 4 years or so - all
inevitably ending ... at last it was the case for me ... in one or many successive 
BURN-OUTs and that's why I have so much spare
time actually! I don't work yet - for some 4 years now. It is planned I will go back 
to work as a CS teacher in next January! -
sorry for the inside view but it was too tempting ;-))))

2) Create a completely new REBOL based COLLABORATIVE platform (eLearning Management 
should be permitted and well supported on it)
that will respect the above vague requirements.

This platform should permit the FULL UNRESTRICTED use of a to-be selected VIEWER 
(based on something like /View, /Link or on the
current and/or future Web browsers that will survive the Browsers War Microsoft is 
about to finally win against its opponents -
Netscape, OPERA, etc ...- another simple pov) able to support fully interactive and 
persistent multimedia work as done by the

So a TRUE OPEN collaborative system is needed - able to exchange DATA and drive local 
and remote Apps. (May be of the MS-OFFICE

Hope you understand better what I want to do but I have to admit it is longer than a 
couple paragraphs.


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