Hi Scott,

You wrote:

> There is a fairly straight forward way to do this as long as you have access
> to the cgi-bin directory and can set permissions.
> ...
> Upload this to the cgi-bin directory using binary mode.  (You ONLY need this one 
> Please note that putting this executable directly in your cgi-bin is considered a 
>security risk!!!!  (It
> is supposed to be not directly accessible by the web, but we are just
> talking about an experiment.  Right?)
> Next, you need to find the *actual path* to your cgi-bin directory.  This
> too can be found in the phpinfo.php page.  Look for document root, and add
> on any additional path to get you to the cgi-bin directory.  Next you need
> to find which file extension(s) that your Apache will allow (frequently
> .cgi).  Some ISP's will let you add to the list (like .r).
> Next, create your first REBOL cgi script, like the following.
> Note it is
> critical to change the path to exactly what you retrieved earlier.  One of
> the /Core's had  a bug that require "-cs" to be spelled out "--cgi -s", so I
> tend to use this just because.

Thanks for all this information. I already downloaded and installed my REBOL Core on 
But apart form the fact I can execute REBOL scripts via my SSH Telnet, nothing is 
functioning from the APACHE web server and CGI.

I followed meticously your instructions, but nothing more than woth my first try, in 
march 2002. Th eonly thing I get is a stupid
500 error message from the server. All my permissions are OK but nevertheless I am not 
completely sure that my REBOL path is OK
since there is so many VIRTUAL variables involved. But if I don't miss the m,ain point 
I must have done it correctly.  However I'll
try some other variations before giving-up completely with this avenue.
In fact I suspect my ISP has bullet-proofed its APACHE config file for disabling other 
than PERL scripting engines from executing
any file ending with a .cgi - even those that request explicitly such an engine from 
the first "#!" marked line (I don't remember
the real name for this kind of procedure - is it not the SHEE-BANG line ?... )

But I will now try via another way to do it : a fork done with PERL (using EXEC) - my 
first tries didn't work at all - except for
the part before the fork call to REBOL. I'll try more this week with other ways to do 
external command calls (with SYSTEM, etc...)
and using other system commands too, like the more conventional "ls" or any other  
available in my restricted shell just to see if
this works as advertised in the doc I referred to...

I'll give you more details later if I succeed.

In all cases I really appreciate the suggested detailed procedure you submitted.


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