> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Petr Krenzelok
> Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 8:25 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: RFC: Rebol Framework
> I don't want to sound negative, but GUI part is imo least important.

Hi, no problem but I don't agree ;-)). IMO a useful GUI is very
important. Why care about a good backend implementation when I can't use
it? The basic direction of the GUI part must be included.

> I think that n-tier rameworks has its puprose still, as such aproach 
> provides you with kind of plug-in mechanism

Plug-In for what? That's the question. If the plug-in component needs to
know to much about its environment to be implemented you have a lot of
side-effects. Plug-in in the spirit of the STL is OK.

> don't you like simple storage?

Yes, and that's why I don't like databases ;-))

> So just use some kind of db, while your above layer still can 
> call the same function name and does not require to change.
> Abstraction is usefull sometimes :-)

Right, but mostly not achieved ;-).

> - FSM - workflow - what gets what state upon what conditions, 
> where is it forwarded, what action occures, etc. - strong workload 
> organisation ...

Don't know yet.

> - distribution - what model is used beneath the surface?

Simple Rebol blocks as mentioned in my paper.

> Will it work upon IOS


> will it use any kind of P2P?

Any kind? It uses IOS nothing more at the moment.

> Any other server model?

May be possible but that's not in my radar at the moment.

> What workload is it able to handle?

6 TB of data if you add 6 TB of memory ;-)). You can handle a lot with
it,  if this will fit your needs depends on your requirements. I don't

> Will it be fast enough?

How fast is fast enough? I don't know.

> Will it allow off-line functinality where it does make sense


You see, let's get things running first. Than let's play around with
what we have to gain some experience and after all this is done, let's
think about optimization. You can't optimize before you know what's the
problem is. Robert

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