Robert M. Muench wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>On Behalf Of Petr Krenzelok
>>Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 2:54 PM
>>Subject: [REBOL] Re: RFC: Rebol Framework
>>Heh, I just hope you don't consider my email being rant or so :-)
>>I just  tried to give some feedback :-)
>Hi, no problem, feedback is welcome but should be aligned with the state
>of work ;-). So yes, your points are valid and I will take them into
>account once the framework is stable enough. I just consider the
>feedback that makes sense (for me) at this point ;-))
>I hope you made it to get the prototype to work.
you can call me a stupid, but after start I am looking at some UI, 
buttons of which the meaning escapes my understanding, the only thing I 
can do is to select some predefined/available BOs from choice menu. Then 
I can enter some values in the fields, but neither I know when/where are 
the values saved, or what happens with them altogether. So please, 
explain following:

1) why two panels? What is the meaning of <> button? Each time I press 
the button, it crashes the app.

** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
** Where: associate
** Near: foreach [label data] master/pane/pane [
    if all [not none? data/text not empty? to-string data/text]
    [repend _master [to-word label/text data/text]]

2) what is field under choice good for? It has no name, I can enter 
something there, but what is it supposed to be used for?

3) When I am trying to press Graph:

** Math Error: Attempt to divide by zero
** Where: move-nodes
** Near: last-max-motion / max-motion

It would be good if those bugs would be corrected before we continue ...

>>to write some, I need to clearly understand how it works, 
>>what does it do, etc. :-)
>Yep, we are going through this together :-)). I'm a big fan of how-to's
>from people who didn't made the stuff as I know most of my implicit
>assumptions but you don't as you saw when pressing the first button ;-)
I can write some how-to's, once I get mysefl thru initial phase :-)

>You are right. But I want to decouple the rules for an "IP address"
>field from the code of the style. I would like to be able to attach a
>set of rules for an "IP address" field. Something like:
>ip-address-rule: [
>       seperator: "."
>       symbols numbers and "."
>       skip seperator
>       post-condition dns-lookup = true
>This is a set of rules. I want a rule engine that can take thousands of
>those rules and check them. Independent of the context the rules are
>used for. You can use the same for data integrety:
>address-rules: [
>       if delete than no-order-open = true
>       mandatory name, mobile
>       fuzzy-lookup name
>       post-condition address-lookup = false
>This is a dialect a user can attach to some objects or constellation of
>objects. I as a developer might not know all conditions and situations
>to check, it could even be the case that you would like to have other
>checks. So, I don't want to lock you in my code, you should be able to
>tell my application what you want it to be.
hmm, dialect. Dialect should probably contain limited set of options to 
use, we have to document/present it somehow to users. Maybe in initial 
phase set of rules could be presented by block of blocks of rebol code 
being executed? IIRC Maarten did something like that with his pre and 
post conditions. I don't remember how his system was called ...

>For an overview about the idea have a look at:
> and
OK, thanks for the links ....

I hope that associative model is the future for us ...


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