From: "Petr Krenzelok"
> you can call me a stupid, but after start I am looking
> at some UI, buttons of which the meaning escapes
> my understanding, the only thing I can do is to select
> some predefined/available BOs from choice menu.
> Then I can enter some values in the fields, but neither
> I know when/where are the values saved, or what
> happens with them altogether. So please, explain
> following:

Hi, Robert,

I can tell that you have worked hard on getting the framework together in
order to be presentable for list comments.  But, like Petr, I have tried to
get something to work, and have gotten no further than Petr.  I am not
asking that you stop what you are doing to explain it to me; I certainly
realize that it is a work in progress.  But please don't assume that there
is little interest, because I do *not* believe this to be the case
(especially for those of us who have a good idea of where you are headed.
For those who don't, they probably will once the see it in action.).  All I
ask is that at a stage that is comfortable for you, that maybe you could
give us (me) some more clear idea how we can help.  Thanks.

Most Sincerely,
--Scott Jones

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