Hi Maryjane,

DM> I was wondering why a mail list instead of a forum?

Carl Read said it best ("just the way it panned out"). The REBOLForces
forums didn't see much traffic when it was up, compared to the ML, but
I can't say why.

I use AltME and IOS heavily. They aren't "public access" channels, so,
while they work very well for some of us, they don't open up the
information to a wider audience, which a forum would.

I work from a very slow dial-up connection, so this ML works better
for me (no waiting for forum pages to refresh when navigating), but
that's just my situation.

If you (or someone) have the space and time to set one up, please do!
Anything that helps people get the information they need to use REBOL
effectively is a good thing. If you set one up, let us know so we
can put the word out on all the REBOL channels.


-- Gregg

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