On 05-Jan-04, Defiant Mail wrote:

> I have decided to set up a forum, if it takes off, great!
> if it does not Im only out $6.00 for the domain name.

> Now I would appreciate some feedback on a name for the forum...

> Here are a few ideas:

> rebolusers.com
> reboltalk.com
> rebolyell.com
> rebolchat.com
> rebolcomminity.com

> After the name is purchased It will take up to 72 hours for the
> domain to resolve to our servers.

> I will let everyone know when its live.

I like rebolchat for the friendliness reason someone else gave.

One thought though:  REBOL's style-guide suggests joining words with a
hyphen, so maybe rebol-whatever.com should be the format of the

Carl Read

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