Hi Robert,

> > I didn't find any info about this REBOLDOC project on Robert's website
> > (Saw an OpenDOC entry but nothing else)
> Hi, first I'm working on my new site. Hopefully I'll upload it this
> weekend :-). Well, there is not much to say about it. It's only an idea so
> far. I haven't started coding anything.
> > I can try to start one locally but I have no Web server that can help
> > here to publish anything on the Web for reviewing, commenting and
> > editing by other ML members.
> I have web-space, we can host the stuff there.

I have not decided yet where I will post results of my own work but if we have to work 
together on some material I'll be glad to be
hosted by your site.

> > In this case I would prefer to install a plain wiki I got many years ago
> > that worked well here locally the first time I tried to install it -
> > remember it was not the same at all with Vanilla.
> Well, my idea with REBDOC was to create an easy-vid like tool, for a
> complete Rebol documentation. So, there are two parts to the project:
> 1. The tool
> 2. The content
> The hard part is 2 ;-) IMO it makes sense if we create a plain good old
> faishoned Rebol documentation paper. One big HTML page etc.
First - About the tool : The easy-vid tool already exists and I am now trying to adapt 
it to display the results coming back form
some script as executed by View when launched by the user viewing the code. For View 
code it worked easily since it is its native
intent. When I first tried to send the results to a console window instead of putting 
them inside a face for View display, it wasn't
very useful since after closing the console View was gone with it and the user would 
have to restart the easy-vid to continue. I
then remember that REBOL can't call itself as an other app to run so I almost 
abandoned - but non more since when I search for the
REBOL Call mechanism with Google I found the refs to the otiginal Doc but also the doc 
related to the View 1.3 that already includes
the Call mechanism in its beta distro. I am now trying to launch some external script 
code usint Call but I have also read a severe
limitation about it as it is currently implemented - Under Windows the console window 
is automatically closed after the exec - a
default switch is applied whatever the coder is using during the Call - this is a bit 
annoying since I want the user to be able to
look freely at his results before manually closing the console if it desires to do so. 
This should be left as an option for the
coder but I don't really know the why of all of this. Surely there is some useful 
reason that justifies this way of doing things -
May be some guru can help me with his lights ...

Currently I also have some difficulties when storing to a disk file my script with 
Write or Save as the stored code is never as it
should - sometimes without a Rebol header and other times all the code is squeezed 
together without spaces between the elements.
I'll look further but I am not abandoning. Some clues here ? I tried mold but it 
doesn't work either.

Second - The content : I agree. One big page should do the job while the content is 
the most difficult part to cope with, And I go
hand in hand with you when you say that a lot of code is of no real use for beginners 
if it not explained as must be.

> IMO we don't need an other Wiki. My idea is to create a manual you can
> read front-to-end, not a fragmenting pool of snippets. First, we have
> enough such pools, second, those only help you if you know quite a lot
> about Rebol. Robert

May be for my personal use but A simple Editor supporting many windows open at a time 
are really all what I need to work efficiently
here. In the spirit of sharing this is another thing however. Your web page may be the 
missing part to this dilemna.

I'll wait from you and continue to work on my new experimental easy-vid. May be I'll 
prefer to use a face's View for displaying
results of REBOL Core code instead of using a console but I hoped to use a console to 
leave the user experiment at his own peace the
new material learned before closing it.


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