Scott ~

I have tried so many different variations of  scripts (the posted 
mini-script was just part of a bigger one on a production server) that I 
have lost track of what might have or  what not have worked :(

After a lot of debugging with trace and echo (boy, does trace ever spew 
out info!) I found the culprit:

I had added a second email address in order to cc someone  with web 
survey mail.
I am running qmail on all my servers and I had not added that domain in 
qmail's rcpthosts file and  so send generated a '553' error and the try  
So my best guess is that I must not have tried that particular email 
address interactively...

As for the described formatting issues:

You see me confused, for the script works well with 'my' formatting (am 
coming from C and Pascal and have always wanted my braces and begin/end 
pairs lined up nicely). I thought I read somewhere that REBOL is very 
lenient when it comes to white space etc. including CR/LF etc.?

Thanks as always for your very elaborate reply!


Jones, Scott wrote:

>From: Kai Peters
>KP> I can send mail to the two obscured email addresses in the 
>KP> script below from REBOL command w/o any problems. The 
>KP> send/header  below however always fails. Anything obvious this 
>KP> newbie might be doing wrong? How can I test what exactly the 
>KP> problem is if not obvious to you gurus?
>Hi, Kai,
>I reached a little different conclusion than the others.  What struck 
>me most was the *formatting* of your script.  When I ran you script
>(using valid addresses of course), I confirmed errors after:
>    header: make system/standard/email
>and after:
>    either error? try [ send/header reduce[ recipient1 recipient2 ] 
>response header]
>What puzzles me then is that you reported that fixes like removing "from" worked.  
>Did you change the formatting after that?
>Said differently, when I changed the formatting such that the 
>block start ("[") followed on the line (unfortunately, at least 
>1 line will likely wrap):
>response: "test"
>recipient1:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>recipient2:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>header: make system/standard/email [
>    To:    [recipient1 ]
>    From:    [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
>    Subject:    "subject"
>    Organization:    "organization"
>either error? try [send/header reduce [recipient1 recipient2] response header][
>    web-response: { NOT ok! }
>    write/append %errorlog.txt response
>    web-response: { ok }
>print web-response
>It ran without error.  However, I think as may be suggested indirectly by others, you 
>may wish to achieve a different effect, depending on your goals.  
>Comments I would like to make include: In your code (with the formatting fixes), the 
>"From" is only necessary if this designation is different from what is your REBOL 
>default (found in user.r file).  I believe that the "To" may be setting what is 
>supposed to be multiple email addresses to one (send looks to see if the "to" field 
>is set).  If you try this reformatted version, but only one address receives the 
>email, simply try leaving the "To:" field off the header, like:
>header: make system/standard/email [
>    From:    [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
>    Subject:    "subject"
>    Organization:    "organization"
>Again, "From" may not be necessary either.
>I hope that my view does not confuse issues.  I just wanted to share that I "saw" a 
>potentially different (and more basic) problem than the others in regards to the 
>formatting.  If the formatting was actually changed by your client or through the 
>email system, then my information may be of less use.  Does this make sense?
>--Scott Jones

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