Hi Kai,

KP> You see me confused, for the script works well with 'my' formatting (am
KP> coming from C and Pascal and have always wanted my braces and begin/end 
KP> pairs lined up nicely). I thought I read somewhere that REBOL is very 
KP> lenient when it comes to white space etc. including CR/LF etc.?

Don't be confused, REBOL doesn't care at all about the formatting.
It's only when the formatting hides the errors (e.g mismatched
brackets) that it matters. :) Of course, sometimes having at least
*one* space between tokens is important in REBOL, where it might not
be in other languages.

The REBOL style guide isn't a bad starting point in any case, if other
REBOLers are going to look at it. 

-- Gregg                         

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