From: Kai Peters
KP> I can send mail to the two obscured email addresses in the 
KP> script below from REBOL command w/o any problems. The 
KP> send/header  below however always fails. Anything obvious this 
KP> newbie might be doing wrong? How can I test what exactly the 
KP> problem is if not obvious to you gurus?

Hi, Kai,

I reached a little different conclusion than the others.  What struck 
me most was the *formatting* of your script.  When I ran you script
(using valid addresses of course), I confirmed errors after:
    header: make system/standard/email
and after:
    either error? try [ send/header reduce[ recipient1 recipient2 ] 
response header]

What puzzles me then is that you reported that fixes like removing "from" worked.  Did 
you change the formatting after that?

Said differently, when I changed the formatting such that the 
block start ("[") followed on the line (unfortunately, at least 
1 line will likely wrap):

response: "test"
recipient1:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
recipient2:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

header: make system/standard/email [
    To:    [recipient1 ]
    From:    [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
    Subject:    "subject"
    Organization:    "organization"

either error? try [send/header reduce [recipient1 recipient2] response header][
    web-response: { NOT ok! }
    write/append %errorlog.txt response
    web-response: { ok }
print web-response

It ran without error.  However, I think as may be suggested indirectly by others, you 
may wish to achieve a different effect, depending on your goals.  

Comments I would like to make include: In your code (with the formatting fixes), the 
"From" is only necessary if this designation is different from what is your REBOL 
default (found in user.r file).  I believe that the "To" may be setting what is 
supposed to be multiple email addresses to one (send looks to see if the "to" field is 
set).  If you try this reformatted version, but only one address receives the email, 
simply try leaving the "To:" field off the header, like:

header: make system/standard/email [
    From:    [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
    Subject:    "subject"
    Organization:    "organization"

Again, "From" may not be necessary either.

I hope that my view does not confuse issues.  I just wanted to share that I "saw" a 
potentially different (and more basic) problem than the others in regards to the 
formatting.  If the formatting was actually changed by your client or through the 
email system, then my information may be of less use.  Does this make sense?

--Scott Jones

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