At 17:16 2/08/99 +1000, you wrote:
>Suzanne I'd like you to explain this comment please if you would
>if u are not oppositional, then u would rejoyce in 'other' groups also finding
their voices on predator 'issues' -??????????????????????????????
>Are you telling me that as males we are all predators ?

communication is difficult as everyone is on their circuit, thanks for the
opportunity to explain what i must have poorly written or expressed

i meant - i can relate to yr gendered ie men only space as i respect the women
and children only space of reclaim the night annual march
- both agree so far
 - single gender spaces are to be frequently found in mainstream without
looking too hard, with your group being the most dominant 
- a lot of other people must agree that it is ok for females to organise
amongst themselves and for males to do the same judging by the number of groups
that exclude one or the other that exist right now
- no-one has told me why this is not ok, yet many each year object to the march
because men are not 'in' it 
- from a female point of view - men are in juuuuuuuust about everything else
i walk in other spaces also, not just this single gender space
these are not based on exclusively women's or men's business
but on corroboree business - the 'all of us stuff' like land destruction,
national health, incarceration as social control, language dessimation, trade
manipulation, genocide ... this makes me the saddest/maddest of all and it is
predator behaviour to me - crimes of the body - physical and social and

in short - anyone who preys on humanity in ways that with knowledge, diminishes
ANY individual's lived experience, is committing a crime of the body to me -
and is a predator and it must stop - no matter who is doing it - women,
children, men meaning governments, business ... circuits of power that exploit
the women, men and kids of our communities to the max - black or grey or white
or pink or rainbow or ...

eg true story
a medical doctor, health minister and minister for aboriginal affairs -
having gained the knowledge of all three 'offices'
-of the relationship between needles and the spread of deadly diseases 
-of the racial composition of his 'target' community
did remove, without notice to the community, 'the' needle exchange from a high
drug traffic area
predator behaviour to me and i am shamed that he is still holding public office
and has not been punished for his crime of genocide

i cannot only protest on behalf of women who suffer genocidal practices, as its
victims are all women and men and children ie the whole mob as well as all mobs

- 'men's business doesn't make much sense to me in this context as we haven't
got our acts together in gendered arenas to say that all women or men are
represented or even visible in our speak 
- otherwise 'we' would have eliminated violence from our lives, in all its
forms, surely :)

i'm tired, so if anything needs further exchange let me know


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