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[3] Big Phil on Ronaldo
Posted Sunday, June 4, 2006 by tb:
"Cristiano Ronaldo worries me, because the majority of our opponents provoke 
Cristiano and he does not know how to deal with it."

He added: "He must keep it in his head not to react in this way. Our opponents 
know that if they get at Cristiano he will react this way.

"I want him to bear this in mind. He is part of a squad. We are trying to show 
him the difficulties he will have in the next few days. Of course I am worried 
about him.

"We're trying to make him understand referees do not always penalise fouls. 
Cristiano has a good character and listens to his team-mates. I think he will 

[3] Norman Whiteside on Wayne's injury
Posted Sunday, June 4, 2006 by tb:
"England will be taking a hell of a risk if they play him before he is 
completely recovered.

"If someone recovering from a broken metatarsal comes back when they are only 
95 per cent right, the chances are they will suffer a recurrence of the injury 
or pick up another injury. If there is a weakness in the bone and you are 
playing a high-impact sport you are running the risk of breaking it again.

"If Wayne comes back too soon there is also the chance that he will alter his 
running style to compensate.

"That would leave him at risk to injuries to other bones, ligaments and muscles 
because he is not moving naturally."

[2] Ruud on World Cup
Posted Sunday, June 4, 2006 by tb:
"In Germany I want to show I can play football really well, that I'm not only a 
goal-scoring machine — I'm much more than that.

"That's what the Dutch coach Marco van Basten says to me every day. It will be 
great to show the world I can play like that.

"In the past I always thought I needed to score to say I had a good game.

"But not any more. These days, playing well is what is important and not 
scoring is not so important."

[1] Ruud wants something concrete
Posted Sunday, June 4, 2006 by tb:
"I've told Roger I'm not interested in rumours and speculation.

"All that stuff gets into my head and I can't play with rumours on my mind.

"So I've told him that when something is really happening, when I can sign 
something, when there's a contract to be discussed — that's when I'll be 
interested and that's when I'll make my decision."

[10] Gabby on injury
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by tb:
 "It was a complicated injury, I never thought I'd make it even though I had an 
objective and a stimulus to keep fighting."

"The truth is that many times it crossed my mind that I wouldn't play again 
this season."

[9] Gabby on playing in Germany
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by tb:
 "I'm smiling, I know how hard I worked and I never lost sight of my objective 
which was to play again so I could be at the World Cup."

"I'm simply going to show my team mates and the medical staff and the coach who 
believed in me.""

I don't have to show Manchester (United) or their manager anything. That's 
something else."

[8] Vidic on  World Cup
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by tb:
"We are not favourites, we are realistic, we know our place, but we have a 
chance to do something really great. Can you imagine a stronger group than 
Holland, Argentina and Ivory Coast?

"But, that's the reason for our optimism - if we get to the knockout stages, we 
can say that we have done something amazing. After that, anything is possible.”

“We want to confirm our form over the last two seasons, we live for the World 
Cup, our countrymen do too.”

[7] Henry on Louis
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by tb:
“‘Petit Louis’ likes to go into battle and flick the ball on with his head. For 
the goal I anticipated his pass, and it worked brilliantly. He proved in the 
English Premiership that he has what it takes to be an international. It’s up 
to us to manage that.” 

[6] Gabby looks forward to meeting Ingerlund
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by tb:
“If I have to kick Wayne Rooney I will do it! I defend my shirt when I play for 

"I am very proud to play for my country and I really hope I can do that in 

“I always like to face the best players in the world and Rooney is one of the 
best — I’d love to come up against him this summer.

“He has been amazing in the last two season at Manchester United and there is 
no limit to how good he can be.”

[5] Becks on his injury
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by tb:
“I can’t remember the exact timetable of my recovery but even now I still get a 
slight ache in my foot when the weather is cold — Gary Neville gets the same 
thing and he’s had a broken metatarsal as well.

"But I’m sure if Wayne is not at least 95 per cent fit he would tell the 

[4] Becks on Wayne's recovery
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by tb:
“Wayne’s recuperation has gone a lot better than mine and he’s recovering 
quicker than I did.

“After I broke my bone I had to wear a special boot for at least 2½ weeks. 
Wayne was out of his after ONE WEEK.

“Physically I think he’s going to be fine because he’s so young and healing 
very quickly.”

“We haven’t seen much of Wayne because he’s been working with the United 
physios. But as far I know he’s been kicking a football and doing some running.

“I spoke to him after he first injured himself and maybe two weeks after that 
and he said his recovery is going very well.

“Gary Neville speaks to him nearly every day and says Wayne was working on his 
fitness the day he was injured and on his preparation work the following day.

“He’s determined to get fit for this World Cup and it is going well.”

“We don’t want him coming back too soon and breaking down again.

“I’m sure Manchester United don’t want that either." 

[3] Old man!
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by tb:

“I still feel as fit as I was when I was 28. When I see the players’ lists with 
dates of birth from 1987 then you start to think. Then you meet someone like 
Rafael van der Vaart or Ryan Babel at training and they were ball boys behind 
my goal at Ajax.

“They tell me I wasn’t very nice to them because they didn’t throw the ball 
back quickly enough.

“At United, the young keepers don’t shoot as hard as they could at me and tend 
to aim straight at me too. I can’t train properly if they show me too much 

[2] Saturday - what a day - to take up one of our great offers!
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[1] Mikel deal settled
Posted Saturday, June 3, 2006 by ed:
we get £12m for it, Lyn £4m, Chelsea the player.

[36] Gill beats Dein
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
in Premier League Chairman vote to stand on the FA Board, they vote for David 
Gill in place of David Dein.

[35] Sven on Rooney
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
"I'll have the report (on Rooney) later on. If he kicked balls earlier on then 
I'm pleased. I'm very happy. I think we'll have to wait until Wednesday, June 7 
to see if he makes this game (opener against Paraguay). From today he'll 
practice with us, with our physios. He's been working, really, really hard to 
do everything possible. He's not put on any weight."

on Nev

"He had a small problem with one leg. We took the decision to take him out of 
training for four days. He'll be back for Monday."

Betting Offer
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
Sporting Index are offering a fantastic GBP200 Free Bet during the World Cup 

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plain text email version of news 

[34] Danny Wallace update
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
from  http://www.dannywallacefoundation.co.uk/events.htm 

Old Trafford    07/05/06
I was invited by Man United to go along today to present the 'CashDash Win' 
cheques at half-time on the pitch. It's always a great feeling going to Old 
Trafford and everyone in the tunnel and the stands stopped for a chat.  But 
nothing could have prepared me for the welcome I got when I went on the pitch. 
It was deafening I just couldn't believe it.  I felt so welcome it brought a 
lump to my throat. Thanks all of you Man U fans for your support and thanks Man 
U for inviting me along.

Steve Mills, Assistant Manager of the Manchester United Development Asscn said:

'It was great to have Danny with us on Sunday and the reception he received at 
half-time was the most enthusiastic I have seen for any guest at half-time for 
a long time'.

and he finishes his London Marathon diary


Back to Mudchute and The George Pub.  The landlady comes out and gives us £20 
for the bucket and we start off up East Ferry Road when suddenly an old friend 
Les jogs up behind me.  I played Sunday football with him and Ian Wright at St 
Paul’s Deptford way back.  On up to Canary Wharf where an old school friend JJ 
comes to walk with me.  Collecting is going well and Karina and the staff of 
the MS Society come along to help with the buckets. As does my old mate Chris 
Hobbs for the second day.  I used to lodge with his Mum and Dad when I first 
went down to Southampton.  He now works on Canary Wharf. Do an interview with 
the Daily Mirror while I am resting and loads of people come up to have a chat 
and give donations.  It’s amazing how many of them have relatives with MS.  An 

The security staff go over to the bus and ask Geraldine if we have a permit to 
collect as Canary Wharf is private land.  She shows them our official charity 
status letter and they radio to their boss and ask for clearance.  It’s given 
but the Daily Mirror are listening intently to the conversation!  A good story 
for them had we not been allowed to collect donations.

On around the South Colonnade to the North Colonnade and all the time people 
are coming out of their offices and throwing coins into the buckets.  We reach 
our rest stop at McDonalds and Chris Ramsay the ex Brighton player comes along 
to walk and have a chat as does Kevin Brennan who did the book with me and 
Jonathan Taylor of Highdown Books, the publishers.  Jonathan tells me he is 
getting requests for signed books and leaves 100 for signature!

We move off again to Poplar High Street, down West India Dock Road onto 
Commercial Road and all the time cars are beeping and money is being thrown 
into the buckets.  Just turning down Butcher Row to get back on The Highway 
again when my old mate Mark Bright turns up.  He walks with me and it’s great 
to chat to him.  I look up and see Angela and Geraldine walking down the middle 
of the road again with their buckets!  Mark says goodbye as we near our stop 
for the night – John Fisher Street.

Very pleased to see John the Bus and we go back to the Mad Hatter for dinner.

Friday – The Finish!

Well this is it my last day I really can’t believe I am finishing a day early.  
George gives me my daily massage while I am talking to Radio 5.  Good job its 
not TV!

Down for breakfast and another ‘phone interview with Radio Manchester between 
mouthfuls of scrambled egg.  

Geraldine takes a call from John the Coach.  The bus has broken down and he’s 
going to get another one so he’ll be late.  He finally arrives and we set off 
for John Fisher street our finishing point from last night.

What a momentous day for me so full of mixed emotions.  I’m feeling great 
though.  Back along The Highway with Jenny, the kids, Mum Rodney, Raymond, 
Clive, their wives, girlfriends, kids, and loyal friends, Angela, Kelly and 
Francine and some friends from Southampton.  Past The Tower of London onto 
Lower Thames street.  All the time people are stopping to shake my hand and 
cars and lorries slow down to chuck coins and notes into the buckets.  People 
come out of their offices with donations.  One lady from a solicitors chases us 
down the road with a handful of notes.  She heard us going past and had an 
office whip round.  All the time cars are beeping and people are shouting ‘Good 
Luck’.  A row of six black cabs stop for the lights and each one of them puts a 
fiver in the bucket. I can’t believe how generous and caring people are.  All 
the time the Daily Mirror is photographing me walking.

We can’t go through the Blackfriars Tunnel so we turn down onto the Thames Path 
and walk alongside the River.  The sun is shining and the river is busy with 
tourists on boat trips.  Never walked here before.  London looks great. Stop 
for the loo at a pub and people come out to put money into the buckets.

We get to Blackfriars Bridge and come up onto the Embankment – it’s only 12.30 
and we are so far ahead of time Geraldine decides we should have a two hour 
rest stop.

It’s great to sit in the sunshine and chat with everybody.  All the time the 
‘phone is ringing with enquiries from the press about my progress and expected 
finish time – which is 5pm in The Mall.

BBC Manchester turn up to film me and do an interview and then my old football 
coach from Southampton Bob Higgins turns up. He was my first coach at 
Southampton when I was 13.  I can’t believe how many people have bothered to 
come out for me.  

At 2.30pm we head off for Embankment Pier and get the same fantastic reception 
from people, cars, lorries, cabs. Am getting hungry by the time we reach the 
Pier so the girls go off to buy some grub.  Chris Moys and his cameraman Graham 
Hughes from the Daily Mail arrive to do an interview and walk with me.

We set off again at 3.35pm on the last stretch and still well ahead of 
schedule.  Could have finished earlier if I’d known how speedy I was! But have 
told the press 5pm so 5pm it is!

We stop opposite the London Eye for a photo with me and Jenny and then one with 
Big Ben in the background.  Got to keep a reminder for the future

We cross over into Birdcage Walk by St James’s Park still too early so ‘the 
gang’ go into the park so the kids can have a run round and Michael Watson and 
Leonard arrive.  We go and sit in the bus for a while.  Chris Hobbs is there 
again and Julie who has been ‘bigging me up’ on Yahoo all week turns up as 
well.  The sun is shining and the rain has held off and I can’t wait to do the 
last bit and break through the tape. 
Brian and Lucy from the Marathon office arrive and go through the park to the 
finish point to get the tape ready.

4.50pm. This is it the moment I have been training for and the one I thought 
I’d never achieve.  Even ‘my rock’ Jenny didn’t think I’d get this far.  The 
gang go on ahead to the Finish and me, Jenny and George walk the last quarter 
mile past Buckingham Palace (I’d like to think she was watching me out of the 
window).  We enter The Mall and I can see the Finish tape with a row of 
photographers behind it and Michael Watson waiting with a medal for me and 
George.  I feel like galloping now but George slows me down.  Don’t want to 
fall into the cameras at this stage!  The kids, my family and friends have made 
a banner congratulating me which they hold up as I go past.  

Everyone is clapping, cheering, whistling and I can’t stop myself from a last 
minute spurt as I break through the tape.  The cameras flash, Michael comes 
over and puts the medal around my neck and it’s as if it is happening to 
someone else – I just can’t believe I’ve done it.  My old mate George gets his 
medal and Jen and I can’t stop hugging each other.  It’s so emotional for me 
and my mind flashes back to the dark despairing days when I was first diagnosed 
and thought life had ended.  It didn’t and it hasn’t and I hope this will 
inspire fellow MS sufferers to see that there is life after diagnosis but you 
have to go and grab it by the scruff of the neck. 

The photographers are shouting ‘look at the camera’  ‘stand by Michael’ ‘smile’ 
‘come into the photo Jenny’.  It’s surreal.  Then I do a load of interviews and 
can’t stop smiling.  Dave from the Mad Hatter brings bottles of champagne and I 
shake it up and shower everyone.  I feel so good I’d like to hold onto this 
moment forever.  Still the pictures will be a lasting memory.  I cuddle my Mum, 
the kids, Jenny my friends anyone within hugging distance.  Finally we all get 
on the bus and go back to the Mad Hatter where they have laid on some food and 
drink. Dean turns up on crutches followed by my mate, Trix and it’s nice to 
chill out and say thank you for being such good friends and supporting me.

There are so many people to thank and so many who have written in, ‘phoned and 
sent donations who I don’t know personally and I want to take this opportunity 
to thank anyone and everyone who has sent me words of encouragement and 

A huge thank you and love to Elisha, Remi, Thaila, Mum, George, Rodney, 
Raymond, Clive, Rachael, Mandy, Angela, Kelly, Francine, Dean, Chris, Julie, 
Winston, Megan,Beth, Thomas, Louise, Jo, Ben, Morgan, Macey, Mackenzie, Jenny's 
brother Kenny who is going through a bad time, John the Bus, Geraldine, who 
have been with John the Bus, Geraldine, who have been with me throughout the 
six days. And to Dave from the Mad Hatter and Fullers for their generous 
sponsorship.  Frank Maloney, Saucony, BBE and Ronhill who have given clothing 
sponsorship and I’ve left the best till last – Jenny.  Without you I wouldn’t 
have come this far – thanks for being you and standing by me.

you can donate to Danny's foundation at  

You can also order his forthcoming book, Danny Boy, here

[33] BBC on Celtic friendly
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
'Celtic will play English Premiership champions Chelsea as they prepare for 
their Champions League campaign. The Scottish Premier League champions will 
also play Manchester United and Everton after returning from a pre-season tour 
of the USA.

Prior to that, Celtic play Legia Warsaw and Wisla Krakow in Poland.

"(This) will provide first-class matches and training prior to domestic and 
Champions League challenges," chief executive Peter Lawwell said.

Celtic will play three games in the USA between 12 and 19 July.

They then meet Everton at Celtic Park on 23 July and Manchester United at the 
same venue on 26 July.

They travel to Stamford Bridge to play Jose Mourinho's side on 9 August.

"Importantly, pre-season will also allow thousands of supporters within 
Celtic's global fan base to see the team in action," Lawwell added on the 
club's website.

"We have a great support now in Poland, a support which is growing rapidly and 
we are pleased that the club's visit there will allow our fans to see the team 
play against the best sides in Poland.

"We are also delighted again to be visiting the United States. The club has 
thousands of fans in the US and I am sure this passionate support will be 
looking forward again to welcoming the team.

"The team will enjoy world-class training facilities in the US and will play 
matches against strong opposition, which we are very much looking forward to.

"After enjoying matches at the end of last season against first-class English 
Premiership teams, it is great that the major English clubs again want to play 

"The calibre of Premiership opposition which Celtic is able to attract, clearly 
demonstrates our high standing within British football."

[32] Preston tickets
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
from official site

'Preston North End v Manchester United
Deepdale, Saturday 29th July, kick off 3pm

Manchester United supporters wishing to purchase tickets for this pre-season 
friendly should contact the Ticket Office at Preston North End on 0870 442 
1966, please let the ticket office staff know that tickets are required in the 
'away section'.

[31] McClaren on Nev
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
"It's just a little niggle. Hopefully after a few days rest and some work in 
the gym, he'll be back training on Monday."

[30] Official site on Heinze
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
While the nation keeps its fingers crossed that Wayne Rooney recuperates in 
time for the World Cup, another Red is looking forward to hitting top gear 
after recovering from his own lengthy injury.

Gabriel Heinze started his first game for Argentina earlier this week as Jose 
Pekerman’s side defeated Argentina’s Under-20s 4-0. The match was his first 
taste of competitive action since suffering a cruciate knee ligament injury 
against Villarreal in the Champions League last September. 

However, the 28-year-old left back played the entire first half and came 
through unscathed. Goals from Rodrigo Palacio (three) and Javier Saviola 
secured the win.

Heinze is travelling to Germany looking to win his second winners’ medal to 
follow the Olympic gold he won in 2004. 

“Winning that medal was the greatest feeling I’ve experienced in football,” he 
told United magazine back in November 2004. Gaby played an integral part by 
playing in a defence that didn’t concede a single goal. “I know there is a lot 
of hard work to do before I can feel those emotions again.”

HIs return to full fitness involved playing in several reserve games for the 
Reds towards the back end of last season, the reserves winning three pieces of 
silverware. And while Heinze missed out on United’s Carling Cup win in March, 
he is concentrating on making the Argentine left-back spot his own in Germany 
in a bid to win the world’s greatest prize.

"I have always said that wearing the shirt of the Argentina national team is 
not an opportunity that is given to just anybody. You welcome the opportunity 
every time you wear the shirt, which for me stirs very deep feelings. I want to 
get to the World Cup finals in the best possible form, then the coach will 
decide whether to name me or not,” he told Argentinian television network tYc 

There will be plenty of Reds following Heinze and his team-mates this summer, 
the Crespo-born defender enjoying a unique affinity with United’s fans, so much 
so that they often chant the name of his country. “It is great to hear the fans 
sing the name of my country. Premiership matches are shown live in Argentina 
and the commentators talk about it because it can be heard so clearly. It has 
impressed everyone back home!”

Should ‘the Albiceleste’ succeed Gaby could meet his English team-mates in the 
latter stages of this summer’s tournament. Gaby admits he would have no 
problems kicking his United buddies! “Listen, when I play for Argentina I 
defend my shirt. If I have to kick Wayne Rooney then I will do it,” he laughed.'

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[29] FA on Gary Nev
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
"He's not training. He's back at the hotel doing gym work"

[28] Betting madness
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
from Reuters

'Manchester United's injured striker Wayne Rooney kicked a ball at their 
training ground on Friday and sparked a betting spree on his fitness for 
England's World Cup bid.
Reporters spotted Rooney running, turning and kicking the ball at Carrington 
before the rest of his England team mates arrived for the World Cup squad's 
training session.
Rooney suffered a broken metatarsal in his right foot against Chelsea on April 
29 and is due for a scan on June 7 to see whether he could play any part in the 
finals in Germany.
England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson has until 24 hours before their opening Group 
B match against Paraguay on June 10 to decide whether to keep the gifted 
20-year-old in the squad or replace him with a standby.
Though his injury has cast a shadow over England's preparations for the finals, 
punters became suddenly optimistic after Friday's sighting.
"News that Wayne Rooney is running and kicking a ball in training has sparked a 
punting plunge on him to play a part in the World Cup," according to bookmaker 
William Hill, who added that odds about him playing had been cut from 6/4 to 
"Our clients are following up stories that Wayne is already kicking a ball in 
training and that he told Prince William he expects to be fit to play," said 
William Hill's spokesman Graham Sharpe.
The prince visited the England squad during Thursday's training session at 
Carrington. He spoke to Rooney as they watched from the sidelines.'

[27] Another Celtic friendly?
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
from Reuters

'Scottish champions Celtic will play their English counterparts Chelsea as well 
as Manchester United and Everton in pre-seaon friendlies in July and August, 
the club said on Friday.
Celtic will travel to Stamford Bridge on August 9 after home games against 
Everton on July 23 and United on July 26. The Glasgow side have also arranged 
pre-season training trips to Poland and America in early July.'

[26] Guardian on Ribery bid
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
'Manchester United have failed with an official bid, believed to be about £9m, 
for the France international Franck Ribéry. David Gill, Old Trafford's chief 
executive, contacted Marseille with a verbal offer but the French club told him 
they did not want to sell.
The rebuff is unlikely to prevent United from following up their interest in a 
midfielder who was voted Le Championnat's young player of the year. Ribéry is 
known to be unsettled at Marseille after the departure of the coach Jean 
Fernandez to Auxerre and United's cause is helped by the fact that the player's 
agent Bruno Heiderscheid has been described as "at war" with the Marseille 
president Pape Diouf.

Lyon too are interested in Ribéry, 23, who has just broken into the France team 
preparing for the World Cup. But Lyon's president Jean-Michel Aulas allegedly 
made a clandestine approach to him at the end of the season and infuriated 
Marseille by reportedly asking for his phone number and initiating talk of a 
"United have acted with much more courtesy and delicacy than Lyon," Diouf said 
last night. "The answer I gave [to United] is exactly the same as I have said 
to Lyon. They are stubborn and they may try again, but he is not available."

Diouf said he would change his mind only if offered £35m. But he also floated 
the possibility of a part-exchange deal involving Lyon's former Arsenal striker 
Sylvain Wiltord and the Brazilians Juninho and Kris. "I will agree to let 
Ribéry go if Lyon give me three of their best players," he said.

A stylish, attack-minded player, Ribéry has been dubbed the new Zinédine Zidane 
in the French press and can play in every midfield position.'

[25] MEN on Gary Nev
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
'Gary Neville missed training as he nursed his hamstring injury and could well 
miss tomorrow's final warm-up game against Jamaica at Old Trafford.

Eriksson is keen not to put Neville's hamstring under unnecessary strain 
because he is the only specialist right-back in the squad.

Neville, who is due to win his 80th cap, came off at half-time during England's 
3-1 win against Hungary on Tuesday.'

Check http://www.rednews.co.uk to view the image which has been removed from 
plain text email version of news 

[24] Stick with us for the news on United AS it happens
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
MEN carry some of the quotes from the Ronaldo interview we had here 2 days ago 
and which now most media have picked up on - but you read it in English here 


[23] Fortune to have Celtic medical
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
his agent Francis Martin

"He had a fitness test yesterday and hopefully Celtic will get those results 
back today or over the weekend. Until they come back we will not know what 
Celtic want to do. Once the scan is checked and everything is okay then 
contract talks can begin. We don't envisage any problems. Quinton was pleased 
with what he saw and we are more than happy to start the discussions. Hopefully 
they can begin later today or over the weekend and then we can see where we go 

[22] Henry on Saha partnership
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
"It worked well. 'Petit Louis' likes to go into battle and flick the ball on 
with his head. For the goal I anticipated his pass, and it worked brilliantly. 
He proved in the English Premiership that he has what it takes to be an 
international. It's up to us to manage that."

on Ribery

"There aren't many players in the world today who can show brutal acceleration 
after taking the ball. He helped us win the penalty, we wanted him to take it 
but he declined. Players like Franck are interesting because they can create an 
opening at any point."

[21] Tommy Lee joins Macclesfield
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
"I'm delighted to be coming back to Moss Rose. I had a great time here on loan 
and had a good rapport with the fans. I know [manager] Brian [Horton] will be 
signing another good keeper and I will be under pressure for my place, but I 
will be giving it everything."


"I'm pleased to make Tommy my first signing of the close season. I'm expecting 
good things from him."

[20] McClaren on Rooney
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
"He has been working with the United physios all this week. He's stepping 
things up, joining us on (the flight to Germany on) Monday and having the 
relevant scans, so things are progressing well. Of course, you never take 
things for granted in football and with the metatarsal especially. Hopefully 
the scans will be okay but you've seen the progress he's making. He's a 
confident lad and he wants to be there and he'll be doing everything possible 
to be there"

[19] YOUR questions for Mickey Thomas
Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 by ed:
if you have any questions you'd like RN to ask Mickey Thomas send them to 

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