I am pretty certain the majority of my gripes with RedDot will be
sorted out once the long awaited Dreamweaver integration actually
happens. I am primarily a template and css guy so I am desperate for a
good text editor. And when I say desperate I mean it.

-- B

On Nov 17, 2:22 pm, Frederic Hemberger
> Hey everybody,
> for gripe #1: The upcoming RedDot release in May 2009 will contain a
> complete new text editor (with beautiful, valid output) as well as a
> brand new SmartEdit, which should also work flawlessly in Firefox,
> Opera & Co. I already had the chance to see a beta release at the
> RedDotDays last month and it looked very promising.
> I know, RedDot overslept some new trends and technologies, but they're
> working hard to catch up at the moment, so give them some time.
> @Tiffany: I think lots of documentation and special hints still only
> exist in German (as RedDot is a German company), even if stuff is
> translated as fast as possible. We are trying to change that as well
> with our blog (www.reddotcmsblog.com). If you have a topic which would
> fit nicely into an article, don't hesitate to drop me a mail (hey,
> same applies to you guys! But ladies first *g*).
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