> > 
> > On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> > 
> > > The following packages and features are DEPRECATED, and may not
> > > be supported or included in future Red Hat Linux releases:
> > > - AnotherLevel
> > 
> > Hmm, I guess fvwm2 users won't be quite happy with this...
> > 
> In fact people with 16 Megs boxes will be unahappy.  Even with 32 megs
> Gnome/kde are not so great when yoyu are using  6.2 beta.

My daughter's using gnome on RHL 6.0  on a P133, 32 Mb and that's not 
flash. Esp when she starts SO.

John Summerfield
http://os2.ami.com.au/os2/ for OS/2 support.
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