"Mike A. Harris" wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Viorel Anghel wrote:
> >I think it would be a good idea that binary packages (built with rpm) to
> >automagically include the spec file (and to place it under
> >/usr/doc/package.../). This is helpfull in 2 situations:
> > - as an inspiration for new package builders
> I disagree.  It is just extra file clutter on the hard disk that
> is totally unnecessary.  If someone wants inspiration for
> building packages, the .spec is in the src.rpm.  The spec is
> useless without the rest of the files that it uses to build
> with.  In other words, someone can't easily build an RPM by
> looking merely at the spec, they need to understand the
> process. If they are trying to understand the process, they can
> take the time to download a few .src.rpm packages and learn. In
> less than an hour of fiddling, one can create some simple
> packages.  I don't see how having the .spec available for
> installed packages helps anyone with anything.  One could argue
> then also that having the source code installed along with
> binaries is also useful since it helps one to learn how to write
> code...  Bad argument.

although may be not necessary, but would be useful. how many rpm did
you made ? and how many doc file did you read ? you can said doc
files are useless since most people don't read it (and there is an rpm
option not to install them). for me and may be many people who has
same deeper knowledge the spec file is very informative, you can
find out the configure and make options for the package many install
options which usally not so trivial from the summary and description
files. and one file for each package is a real waste of space ???
I don't think so. there are many place were are the waste is much bigger.
or you can use raiserfs if you worry about the small files. and you always
have to download the srpm is a much bigger waste of time, space and money.
So I don't think it's a real must, but as you said it's a totaly bad idea
I have to say you are wrong.

 -- Levente
 "The only thing worse than not knowing the truth is
  ruining the bliss of ignorance."

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