On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Chris Rode wrote:

>> Yeah, I got that part allready.  It isn't getting included
>> though.  The %setup part needs to place the file in with the
>> source code to begin with and it is not.  That is the problem I'm
>> having.  I'm sure it is simple, but can't quite get it.
>The %setup macro shouldn' thave to do anythign with the file.  As long as
>it's in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES, $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/file.init (or
>%SOURCE1 as Trond pointed out) will pick it up, and from there you can do
>whatever you like with it.  It sounds to me like you're looking for the
>file in $RPM_BUILD_DIR, not $RPM_SOURCE_DIR.... :)

Yep, the SOURCE1 thing was just what the doctor ordered.  Worked

>> Aside from Maximum RPM, and the HOWTO, is there any RPM reference
>> avail?  For the macro builtins?  Seems a lot of new stuff is in
>> there for sure, and I'd like to take advantage of it.
>Maximum RPM and the HOWTO are the only things I've run across.  A lot of
>what I've learned about packaging things, I've garnered just by looking at
>other spec files.  If I come across something in a spec file that I can't
>find documented anywhere, I do a websearch on google and pray I get a hit
>or two that might be useful.  I'd love to see somethign more up to date
>than what's available... :)

Hmm.  Well that is exactly what I've done to learn RPM.  School
of hard knocks.  ;o)

When I install .src.rpm packages, I never delete the .spec files
barely ever.  It makes for good examples to follow, but isn't the
greatest.  That coupled with MxRPM is great.  PDF files suck
bigtime in Linux though.  All the GPLish readers
(xpdf/kpdf/randomletteroftheday-pdf) suck badly, and crash on
half the pdf files I read.  Acroread is what I use now, as I know
that is going to likely be the best thing available and most
compatible.  The bad thing about it though is that it seems like
it was written in Java, then compiled to a Sparc Binary, running
on a Sparc emulator in Linux under VMware.  Redraws take
forever.  A big slide show.  Ok enough droning on about how much
PDF files suck in Linux allready.  ;o)

So...  I'm going to stop complaining and convert it to html with
the advice I received a few months back.  ;o)

Take care!

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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