This is the public beta for good reason.  Please query bugzilla and if
this bug has not already been filed then please do so.  Input such as
this is pretty vital to the continued improvement of Red Hat Linux.



On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 11:46:47PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Those were my thoughts after discovering a grievous bug in the
> printing system of Pinstripe: printing does not work from home
> directory.  Problem is that home directory's permissions 700 don't
> allow the setuid lpr to access file under it unless you are root.
> Even in a beta release I think a bug of this magnitude is not
> acceptable and reminds me of RedHat 4.1 who shipped with a ghostscript
> unable to find its fonts thus making printing impossible.  The support
> guy answered me "we didn't notice the bug beacuse we don't use
> printers".  Thus the problem of lack of attention paid towrds printing
> is not new.
> RedHat says it does not see a future for Linux in the desktop and
> apparently it makes all its possible for making right its prediction
> using such means like buggy printing systems or the fact that at the
> end of install the guy who wants to serve web pages gets a ready to
> use machine while the guy who wants to use Staroffice ends the install
> with an unconfigured printer subsystem.
> -- 
>                       Jean Francois Martinez
> Project Independence: Linux for the Masses
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