On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 01:01:50AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> First: for private users there is no reasonably priced solution for
> backing up a 20G disk spevcilly since they should have at least three
> complete backups of it.

Actually, not true.  Take a look at removable drive bays like those sold
by Kingston.  (Actually, the spun that group off--can't remember the name--
but it's linked from the Kingston home page.)  These are about $70US, and
allow you to hot-swap SCSI drives.  Disks today are dirt cheap, too.

IDE drives are slightly problematic--you can't hot swap, it's not supported
in the architecture; changing them requires a reboot.  This should only affect
home users, since anyone using a machine for business purposes really should
be using SCSI.  Given the downside of using tape over a disk-to-disk backup,
that's usually acceptable if they want to save a few bucks.

When they ask for recommendations, I don't have clients or friends buy tape
drives any more.

> Second: In corporate settings backups are good for toy applications
> but in the crucial ones (say plane reservation) you will want to
> restart with an image of your data like it was the second before the
> crash since your boss will have have you shot twice if you restart
> from a 24 hours old image.

Not an issue with the filesystem, anyway.  In a crucial application, your
database has journalled transactions.  If you've set the system up correctly,
these journals don't live on the same drive as the main database files.

I'm neither defending or opposing the journalled filesystem.  But it's not
as important as some may argue, given the reliability of today's hardware
and properly designed systems.  (OTOH, I love seeing it worked on for
Linux.  OS development in general has stagnated for years before this...)

        Dave Ihnat

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