> Not in a distribution.  Unsupported stuff should not be included
> in the main dist at all IMHO.  Even putting it in a separate dir
> will generate excessive support calls and emails from people who
> can't understand that files in an /unsupported directory are
> completely unsupported, not to mention wasting another 30Mb of
> space on the CD.   People would want i386, i586, i686 versions,
> as well as all of the same for SMP too.  Then someone else will
> say "I want an ext3 patched kernel!  Same as the reiserfs
> one!" and that adds another 50Mb to the CD.  Then someone will
> want both reiserfs and ext3, and add your patch of the day to the
> pile and you end up with a million permutations of kernels which
> would end up exploding and some dummy would ignore the
> "unsupported" comments and ask for support anyways.  Not only
> that, but they'd ask on these mailing lists as well, and the
> right place would be on the reiserfs mailing lists.  I'd
> personally rather not see more bug reports for unsupported stuff
> myself...

A few months ago a Compaq guy told me:

"-Linux will never be ready for Joe Users"
"-It is nearing"
-"No.  I know of a litterture professor who after an untimely powerdown,
found that the automatic fsck failed so he was asked to repair manualy
and found himself unable to do it"

Losing important data due to an untimely crash or powerdown is also an
issue in serious applications.

So we really need an FS who is better at error recovery than ext2fs
and we need it ASAP.  But it doesn't have necessarily to be ReiserFS.

                        Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses

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