czwartek, 25 październik 2001, Alex Kanavin napisał(a):
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Dominik Mierzejewski wrote:
> > Confirmed, I've had no problems with any mplayer version starting
> > from 0.18pre3 to current CVS version, compiled with optimizations
> > either for Athlon/Duron or for K6-2.
> > I guess it's just the autors' brain-damage. I mean, it wasn't enough
> > to require passing --disable-gcc-checking, oh no. They had to make
> > our life still a little bit harder by requiring us to type some
> > stupid words in order to continue.
> The main developer is using Slackware. This pretty much explains his
> attitide towards gcc 2.96-RH ("It's buggy shit! No, I don't know what the
> bugs are and I don't care.") and Red Hat users in general. But he still
> could be called reasonable and friendly when compared to the mplayer
> documentation maintainer, who is a total asshole.

Now that explains everything. Should I bother writing to them about it,
though? Or simply forget it? 
"The Universe doesn't give you any points for doing things that are easy."
        -- Sheridan to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Geometry of Shadows"

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