On Sun, 7 Oct 2001, Riku Meskanen wrote:
> > > None of current Linux (OSS) MGMT systems I've heard¹
> > > or tried have not gone  into the direction wich would
> > > try to implement centralized installed software,
> > > configurations and policies from database in MGMT station.
Here at Chemnitz University of Technology, we are using about half a
dozen programs together to manage about 1000 to 1500 Linux machines.
(Well, 530 of them are building our "CLIC"-Beowulf cluster and are
completely homogeneous.)

Installation is done via Kickstart and a bunch of self written scripts
that operate from the site-wide AFS filesystem.

On every machine, Cfengine is called when booting and several times a
day through cron.

Cfengine itself synchronizes the machine against a couple of AFS
directories.  (One dir for all machines, one dir for all servers, one
dir for all web-servers, one dir for all machines running Redhat 6.2,
...)  It also calls autorpm to update RPMs we provide in a distinct
directory per distribution/release.

Monitoring the machines is done via BigBrother and some small scripts to
e.g. incorporate our several dozen Arena-Raids or health monitoring via
lm_sensors into BigBrother.

Some more info on our system:  (Most are only german, sorry.)

A german article that describes how we build our large cluster and how
we install and manage software on it is printed in PIK 2/2001 named "Das

> - The systems will only kept up to date software
>   that was installed, it's darn much harder to add
>   or remove software afterwards to a group of systems.
When we have a more complex upgrade scenario, we write a small script
that makes the required steps and put it into the AFS.  On all machines
that should upgrade, we then let Cfengine call this script.

> - Installing and cloning new systems whould be a breeze.
We simply install a somewhat normal Redhat system and then let Cfengine
install or remove pakets until the desired state is reached.

Greets, Karsten
,-,  Student of Computer Science at Chemnitz University of Technology  ,-,
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