

Riku Meskanen wrote:

> Howdy,
> Does anybody know if there exist a project(s) or effort(s)
> to create a proper centralized management system for Linux?
> None of current Linux (OSS) MGMT systems I've heard¹
> or tried have not gone  into the direction wich would
> try to implement centralized installed software,
> configurations and policies from database in MGMT station.
> ¹) can't claim that I have heard from all, propably.
> I'm talking more about "Zero Adminstration" style solutions
> than just bare installation time support tools like kickstart.
> The idea in the MGMT-system is the ability to group hierarcially
> systems (servers, workstations, etc) to the classes and
> subclasses by the functionality of the server, department,
> domain or whatever and the possibility to maintain and edit
> single configuration in the tree view and let systems in classes
> inherit these settings (installed program packages,
> configurations and policies) to the whole tree unless it's
> need to override some configurations locally under the host
> settings.
> The centralized class view with the proper reporting cabapilities
> from SQL db, installation and update log files and with used
> configurations version history the system would scale with ease
> from the needs of departemental up to the large Enterprise level.
> This kind of tools are becoming or already are very important to
> many managing from few dozens of systems up to hundred or even
> thousands of systems with ease and to be able to penetrate
> mainstream corporate culture where every effort to keep systems
> up to date and running smoothly is appreciated.
> The key is not to bother the users of the systems with
> administrative tasks but to be able to stay in control of
> the situation from backgrund. Hence it is necessary to lift
> the view from desktop oriented thinking to centralized view
> which would provide the 'big picture' what's in the systems
> now and enable the planning of the upgrades or new software
> generally etc.
> Thougths about the Management System operation:
>  Think client as of having a Red Hat Linux, where you just
>  drop in thin MGMT-agent software package, which by the first
>  time run would confirm the join to MGMT system and few
>  simple questions to configure what is the MGMT system
>  (a hint would be got from DNS SRV records or like) then
>  what is the shared secret etc.
>  After having configured the MGMT-agent daemon would connect
>  to MGMT over the SSL (XML-RPC preferrably) and get the rest
>  of the configuration and by the schedule defined there it
>  would start applying, installing new packages of software,
>  removing packages that were not defined to be part of this
>  configuration and copying configurations from MGMT-station
>  etc.
>  The existing package managers etc. tools in the system would
>  be used to pull in, verify the consistency, and install the
>  software like the up2date does. The agent would commit the
>  actions to local packet manager db and log file, but in additon
>  to centralized database and log files too so that the comparisons
>  between the systems centrally, doing difs and version reports
>  and possibly the version history would be acheivable.
> The theory of the operation isn't really too hard. I know
> it would be quite a bit of work designing the database and
> creating the CLI/Web/GUI management tools, but AFAIK most of
> the component pieces underneath and technologies are already
> there. And better yet if it would be designed from the start
> to support different (read supports evolution of) package
> managers.
> Any thougts or hints if anybody working on it for Linux already?
> :-) riku
> --
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