On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, Paul Fontenot wrote:

->The root crontab:
-># Every hour checking the mail
->#0 * * * * /sbin/ifup ppp0
->#5 * * * * /sbin/ifdown ppp0
-># Every night at Midnight
->0 0 * * * /usr/bin/uptime | mail -s UpTime root


*** Paul,

It simpley doesn't work. I can't make crontab execute any command. The
pppon I use to get on the Net works when started manually, via the crontab
I get an erromessage it doesn't exist. I tryed your way which also doesn't
want to work on my box. Another thing I don't understand is why the
results of commands started with crontab are mailed to me instead of
executed and shown on the screen? I did a small test with ls /home/... in
crontab and I got the result mailed... Basically, at this point I don't
understand why a simple thing like calling the ppp-on via crontab doesn't
work; not as user (manually it does) and not as root!


Mailed with Linux and Pine.

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