My $.02:

I've had problems in the past with WD 1.2 Gb drives, and with a whole bunch
of 1.6Gb drives.  The 1.6Gb drives were a known problem that happened with
one whole line of them.  The 1.2s may have been subject to the same issue
during part of their run.

Any replacements you're getting are old drives that may very well have been
part of the run with the problem, and I'd recommend switching to something

Other than those two issues, I've had no more problems with WD than with
anything else.

My last company did a number of things, including build computers.  I
specified WD hard drives, and they still mostly use them today.

I've also had good luck with Seagate and Quantum.  IBM supposedly makes
drives, but every "IBM" drive I've seen in an IBM system has been a Quantum
re-labeled.  I'm talking about desktop IDE drives only; every IBM SCSI or
laptop IDE drive I've run into lately has been an actual IBM.  We also don't
buy IBM desktops anymore here, so they could very well have changed

We buy a lot of Gateway, and they use WD.  I've had a few drive crapouts,
but frankly I've had more trouble with older Gateway motherboards than with
the WD drives.

I've had nothing but good luck with Maxtor, but every time I mention that a
whole bunch of folks with bad stories pop up.

My previous employer often uses Fujitsu when they find them cheaper than WD,
but that place has gone to hell in a handbasket since I left so that's
hardly a testimonial.  They switched to a lot of cheap crap after I left.

If I'm ordering an IDE drive and I'm spending my own money, I buy WD every

If you're in doubt, just make sure the place you're buying it from has a
good return policy, and that the drive manufacturer has a good return

Nowadays I buy all my drives from Insight.  (

I've had good luck with them since back when they were Hard Drives

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