On Sun, 22 Mar 1998, Mike Wangsmo wrote:

> I meant to post an answer to this question (or one like it) a couple of days
> ago.  In any event, there are "unofficial" 2.0.33 kernel RPMS that I made
> for newer sound module support on ftp.redhat.com. in /pub/sound/kernel-RPMS
> These are NOT signed, official updates!  I released them only because they
> fixed a few problems with the sound stuff.  The only differences between
> these kernel RPMS and the 2.0.32 ones in 5.0 are (a) the kernel version
> (2.0.33) and a newer sound patch.

Is it recommended to follow the page you (RedHat) has written
(where is it?, can't seem to find it) about upgrading kernels if I want to
make sure my "unofficial" upgrade will be compatible with later "official"
ones? Or should I upgrade in some other way to be sure?

Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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