I know that I did get an answer to this question.. but I'm supprised that I
wasn't swamped by people either telling me that either a) there are official
rpm's of 2.0.33 out there..  or b) Just use the plain tar.gz kernels as
there is no difference (and that thing in the Awedrv setup was a one off

Whats RH's offical stance on kernel upgrades?  Are we supposed to stick with
2.0.32 until they release an upgrade to 2.0.33?  Or is RH Hurricane only
ever going to be 2.0.32 and we're either stuck with it or should go else
where and face the consequences?

Sorry for bringing this up again but it is fairly fundemental so I wanted to
get it 100% clear b4 I go ahead with my upgrade...   It seems strange to me
that RH haven't put 2.0.33 in they're upgrades dir yet they put the latest
version of Xfree86 (3.3.2) in within days (and congratulations on that btw
was nice to have the rpm's so soon after they're release)...

Well.. thats my question anyhow.. I'll shut up about it now and hopefully
some of the more experianced RH'ers might post a quick note clearing up the
whole sittuation for me...  

Best regards

Tim Larkins
NCR Professional Services, Sheldon


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