On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Timothy King wrote:

> Dirk Muders wrote:
> > version). One other thing were the MSS flags. I still had them set. MSS
> > CONFLICTS with the Ensoniq !  (Should have read the doc... it says there).
> I'm still trying to get my ESS1868 to work. What are the MSS flags?

shouldn't need them - configure the 1868 as a SB - works fine:

[root@melba log]# cat /dev/sndstat
Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Sun Jun 21 19:10:15 EST 1998 root,
Linux melba.apana.org.au 2.0.34 #11 Sun Jun 14 17:06:26 EST 1998 i586
Kernel: Linux melba.apana.org.au 2.0.34 #18 Sun Jun 21 19:13:12 EST 1998
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config:
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,1
(SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 5 drq 0)
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Audio devices:
0: ESS ES1688 AudioDrive (rev 11)       <= btw - this is odd eh???

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3

Midi devices:

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster
[root@melba log]#

Richard Lindner     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Intrepid Adventurer
Oh! - What a Long Strange Trip it's been ....   Ph:+61 (0)411 741 560

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