Dirk Muders writes:
 > Hello,
 >     after upgrading RH 4.0 to 5.1 my Ensoniq Soundscape Vivo 90 soundcard no
 > longer works (it worked OK with kernel 2.0.18). I have searched the web but
 > all I could find were pointers to OSS. Isn't it possible to get the 2.0.18
 > code to work again ? (I tried to use it, but ended up with lots of undefined
 > subs, etc.). Right now it looks like my 5.1 upgrade is really a downgrade :-(
 >     Any suggestions ?

I have the same card with 4.0 and was never able to get it to work.  So, I
purchased OSS, and have used it with 4.2, 5.0, and now 5.1.  It works
flawlessly.  I think it was only $20...

Sorry, I can't suggest any other alternative.


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