On Sun, Mar 29, 1998 at 01:11:22PM +0100, Mat Serwas wrote:
> 1. Can RedHat perform tricks/routines that other OS's can not? No.

Yes.  Unix does some things that no other OS does, and does some
other things that they do *much* better.  Unix has been ported to
everything from Z80s to Crays, for example.  Parallel (MIMD architecture)
production-grade Unixes were available well over a decade ago.  And so on.

> 4. If RedHat is free, I would think there would be a stampede to it  [...]

Not necessarily.  Many people are caught by FUD, and despite the fact
that Unix built the Internet, and is the OS on which all significant
Internet technologies were invented, they are afraid of it.

> 5. I like all my programs in their own root DIR.  [...]

Not the Unix way.  Also not necessary.

> 6. If RedHat is so great, why can't it fix itself when something goes
> wrong?

No production OS does this (in toto).  However, there's plenty of
self-repair in Unix (e.g. fsck) as well as fault tolerance.  That's
why Unix machines stay up until we take them down.

> 8.  Why are there so many flavors of UNIX?  I really want to know.

Read any of the numerous books available on Unix. It's a book's
worth of a story and can't be explained in short.  Note however,
that the diversity of Unix is one of its strengths: the competition
promotes innovation.

> 11.The only man I know that could make RedHat a success is Bill Gates.

Uh, Unix (and Red Hat Linux as well) is already a success.   

Historical note: Microsoft actually marketed a Unix variant called "Xenix"
for a couple of years around 1980-1982 or so.  It was AT&T Research
Unix v7 and not much else.  They dropped it.

> 12. There is not OS ready for prime time. Period.

Nonsense.  There are roughly 7 million installed Linux servers and
several times that many installed Unix servers.  They work.  They
stay up.  They crunch.  I've been using Unix in production situations
for 18 years, simply because it works better than anything else available.

Rich Kulawiec

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