On 22-Jan-2003/14:12 -0500, Billy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have been playing with variations of your notes and now have a much
>better feel for what I really want.  I would like to have user 'parts'
>log into an xwindow screen and see the normal gnome screen.  Then, I
>would like to add an icon the says 'Parts Dept'.   When the icon is
>clicked on, I would like the parts application (ie, myprogram) to
>execute.  So, my real question is, how do I add a fresh icon and startup
>script file to the gnome window?

I actually started to suggest this, but then decided to answer the
question that you asked.

All you have to do is place a .desktop file in each user's ~/.Desktop
directory. The file might look like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Acme Parts Wizard
Comment=parts database

>Also, some time back, I found that .bash_profile in the users home
>directory would not allow me to start the text based application

I'm not sure why that is. I just tried it with mc, and it worked fine.
Using the code I posted, I was able to have mc start automatically in a
console login or in a terminal window when logging in via gdm. At first I
tried running it as a background task. That works in a terminal window,
but not at the console.

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3E>
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