I'm going to be changing the mailserver configuration next week but I need
to know all my user's POP3 passwords so I can do the conversion.

So far I have worked out I can run the following to get a dump of the POP3
traffic to look for the PASS commands:

tcpdump -n -x -s 1514 tcp port 110 and dst host my.ad.dr.es

Does anyone know any scripts/programs that I can feed the output of
tcpdump into so I can filter out and record the packets that contain the
PASS command?

| Peter Kiem            .^.   | E-Mail    : <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Zordah IT             /V\   | Mobile    : +61 0414 724 766    |
|   IT Consultancy &  /(   )\ | WWW       : www.zordah.net      |
|   Internet Hosting   ^^-^^  | ICQ       : "Zordah" 866661     |

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