On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 at 12:12pm (+1000), Peter Kiem wrote:

> I'm going to be changing the mailserver configuration next week but I need
> to know all my user's POP3 passwords so I can do the conversion.

What sort of mail config are you going from/to that requires you to change 
the way your passwords are stored and/or handled?

> So far I have worked out I can run the following to get a dump of the POP3
> traffic to look for the PASS commands:
> tcpdump -n -x -s 1514 tcp port 110 and dst host my.ad.dr.es
> Does anyone know any scripts/programs that I can feed the output of
> tcpdump into so I can filter out and record the packets that contain the
> PASS command?

A bit q&d but something like....

tcpdump -n -X -s 1514 tcp port 110 and dst host my.ad.dr.es |
        perl -p -e 's/^.*\t(.*)\n/$1/; s/^(\d\d:)/\n$1/' |
        grep -B 1 -E 'USER|PASS'

... or if an older tcpdump without a big X option....

tcpdump -n -X -s 1514 tcp port 110 and dst host my.ad.dr.es |
        perl -p -e 's/^.*\t(.*)\n/$1/ && s/\s+//g && 
                s/([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg && 
                s/^(\d\d:)/\n$1/' |
        grep -B 1 -E 'USER|PASS'

I'm sure you could use perl to find the USER and PASS stuff directly...  I
just it as a more generic solution that I can do other things to...


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