On  7 Apr, Dan Hughes wrote:
> Hello,
>       I was also wondering how to set up DNS under redhat.  I know that
> you need bind and named to set up dns but I have never done this before.
> Since I set up Linux on my machine to learn how to do things in a UNIX
> like enviorment, I was wondering if anyone knew: 1. What packages are
> necessary to be installed for setting up DNS?
> 2.  How to set up DNS under Linux? Specifically what files need to be
> edited, and what should their structure be?
>                                               Thanks,
>                                                 Dan Hughes

I strongly recommend the book "DNS and BIND" by Paul Albitz & Cricket
Liu, published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.

You can get it at:


Here's a sample of the files required...

These files are supporting a private domain which uses NAT on a Cisco
762 router to access the net.  They are not "live" in the same sense
that a "true" dot com domain would be but they work quite well

cd /usr/local/named
db.10.0.0     db.127.0.0    db.cache      db.moongroup 

@               IN      SOA     ns.moongroup.org.       root.ns.moongroup.org. (
                        1998030103 ; serial
                        10800 ; refresh
                        3600 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; default_ttl
3               IN      PTR     notebook.moongroup.org.
4               IN      PTR     ceo.moongroup.org.
5               IN      PTR     ntbox.moongroup.org.
8               IN      PTR     robin.moongroup.org.
9               IN      PTR     ws.moongroup.org.
@               IN      NS      ns.moongroup.org.
6               IN      PTR     ns.moongroup.org.
11              IN      PTR     zack.moongroup.org.

@               IN      SOA     ns.moongroup.org.       root.ns.moongroup.org. (
                        1998030103 ; serial
                        10800 ; refresh
                        3600 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; default_ttl
@               IN      NS      ns.moongroup.org.
1               IN      PTR     localhost. 

#Get this file from the NIC, it's got all the root nameservers in it!


@               IN      SOA     ns.moongroup.org.       root.ns.moongroup.org. (
                        1998030103 ; serial
                        10800 ; refresh
                        3600 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; default_ttl
@               IN      NS      ns.moongroup.org.
localhost       IN      A
notebook        IN      A
ceo             IN      A
ntbox           IN      A
robin           IN      A
zack            IN      A
ns              IN      A
ws              IN      A

ns              IN      MX      5       moongroup.org.

Good luck!

Chuck Mead
"Hi.  This is Chuck Mead's answering machine.  Please leave your name and
number... and after I've doctored the tape, your message will implicate you
 in a federal crime and be brought to the attention of the F.B.I... BEEEP"
 -- Blue Devil comics

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