On 8 Apr 1998, James Youngman wrote:
> >>>>> "Pat" == Pat Hennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Pat> I'm willing to bet money that you could use nfs to mirror your
> Pat> mail directory (/var/spool/mail and their home directories if
> Pat> you have people wanting to telnet in and use pine or something)
> Mail delivery to NFS-mounted volumes is a risky business and wisely
> widely avoided.
just delivery or retrieval too??
like lets say you have your mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
and mywork.com has a mx record for a machine handles all the delivery
using sendmail (maybe smtp.mywork.com)
now could we have two other machines that nfs mount the mail directory
from smtp.mywork.com and mail.mywork.com points to these 2 machines which
only do pop or imap?
I thought nfs did appropriate file locking and stuff. Is there another
alternative (besides a big/expensive unix machine)?
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