On Wed, 8 Apr 1998, Paul Fontenot wrote:

> >   Pat> I'm willing to bet money that you could use nfs to mirror your
> >   Pat> mail directory (/var/spool/mail and their home directories if
> >   Pat> you have people wanting to telnet in and use pine or something)
> > 
> > Mail delivery to NFS-mounted volumes is a risky business and wisely
> > widely avoided.
> Besides, the exchange server is going to put your mail into MMF format and
> Pine can't read that.
Well i thought we were talking about setting up multiple linux machines to
handle mail for alot of users.  Where people would be pulling their mail
off of a pop or imap server.  Exchange runs in linux??  Why would exchange
be reading someones /var/spool/mail dir??  No one said that the users had
to login to check there mail. pop accounts can be made and you can use
/bin/false or /dev/null for the shell in the passwd file.  Although i
thought that with hundreds of users some might desire to use pine.  Hell i
do.  I haven't found anything better then my pine & procmail combination.
There is no way in hell i'd be on this mailing list if i could filter mail
the way i do.  At my school (small community college), there are ushally
at least 70 people logged into the mail server checking their mail and
only a handfull use pop or imap (like between 3 and 8).  I think not all
the faculty use mail neither do all of the students (its a pretty small
school).  But the majority of the people use pine.  


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