
this may be a really basic question but i could really do with some
pointers - i am very new to red hat... i have looked around for a solution but have had no luck.

when i set up redhat 8 during the installation 'security config' window i
ask for www, ftp, dhcp and mail to be classed as trusted, and i tick the
custom level box.

after installation is complet the security levels are defaulted back to
'high' - the Ethernet card (eth0) is not trusted as are non of the
protocols - so i select the settings i want (trust eth0 and www, for a start)
and close the window... when i reopen the window the settings have been
reset to 'high' level - how can i stop this from happening?

is it necessary for my Ethernet card to be trusted to get onto the net, i am
presuming it does as i cant connect at the moment

thanks in advance for any pointers/help

** sorry if this was sent twice! **

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