Title: Newbie Question
chck /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf  read it so u  undrstand  what is  going on
chck  for the document root  make  sure  u  can see it !! try at cmd line
#lynx localhost  and  lynx http://ipadress
make  sure  inn  httpd.conf Listen 80  is  not  commented  out !!!
if  al  fails  try to  down  grade  to rehdat  7.0  the page works  fine by  default ..
take care ... check  # tail -f  /var/log/mesages u could  get  some  answers  or  more  read  http://www.redhat.com/docs/ read  about apache  setup !!!!  it  will  solve  most  of  your  problems
take care
blaq     hacka  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 7:33 PM
Subject: Newbie Question

I just installed Redhat 7.2 and started up Apache.  I can telnet into port 80 from the same machine, so I know Apache is running but I can't browse even the startup page from another machine on the network.  I can ping the server so I know it has an IP address, I can't even telnet into port 80.

What do I look for?  Is there a firewall setup by default that doesn't allow traffic into the server?


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