On 24 Feb 2003 18:27:25 -0700
Joe Giles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, I tried the LPR driver and connected to the Linux server and to
> the printer que name, but still no luck. Is there somewhere where I
> need to check permissions?
> The password for my user account is different on the workstation
> than it is for the server..
   Fred Smith is correct - you want to set up just simple remote Unix
(lpd) printing rather than an smbprinter; you are printing from a
 linuxbox to another linuxbox, rather than from / to a MS Windows
   Run the RedHat Printer Tool on the workstation and set it up to
print to the remote server to which the printer is attached. Remember
to restart lpd after making changes to the /etc/printcap file.
   The machine controlling the printer should list the hosts permitted
to access the printer in the  /etc/hosts.lpd file. So, the server's 
/etc/hosts.lpd should have an entry for your workstation.

 Make sure that lpd is running on BOTH machines as a service. 
Note that there is still a spool directory on the local machine man­
 aged by lpd.  If the remote machine is busy or offline, print jobs
 from the local machine wait in the spool area until they can be

  Ensure that there is no firewall blocking TCP /port 515 between the
two machines.



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