Juan Nin said:

> but I've heared that the new MySQL 4.x branch changes this a bit, and that
> from MySQL 4.1 there are nested queries support, etc

I most certainly would reccomend AGAINST using mysql 4.x unless your
app has a long development time to give mysql 4.x time to stabilize(I
would not use it for probably at least a year). It still isn't "final"
according to mysql.com. And even after it is I would not deploy it
immediately. Though I am very cautious as to what I deploy on my network,
e.g. I only started re-evaluating the 2.4.x kernel for deployment 3 months

The type app you describe seems like a common app for mysql.

never used yahoo groups myself but it sounds like some sort of
discussion system. I'd reccomend looking at what others are using for
such a system, perhaps even contact authors/mailing lists of projects
directly for their experiences.

a site that seems to list quite a few:

that said I haven't personally used postgres for anything yet, all of
my apps seem to tie well into mysql, all are very low utilization,
and I've never had any problems. The developers at the company I last
worked at used postgres for license reasons and I heard them curse about
it on more then one occasion, but I think much of the complaints was
running postgres on 'odd' platforms like HPUX 10.x and AIX 4.2 and real
early versions of solaris ..(e.g 2.5), more then the app itself. oddly
enough all internal development(stuff that wasn't sold to customers)
was done on mysql(mostly website related stuff).


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