On 26 Feb 2003 at 11:28, nate wrote:

> Juan Nin said:
> > but I've heared that the new MySQL 4.x branch changes this a bit,
> > and that from MySQL 4.1 there are nested queries support, etc
> I most certainly would reccomend AGAINST using mysql 4.x unless your
> app has a long development time to give mysql 4.x time to stabilize(I
> would not use it for probably at least a year). It still isn't "final"
> according to mysql.com. And even after it is I would not deploy it
> immediately. Though I am very cautious as to what I deploy on my
> network, e.g. I only started re-evaluating the 2.4.x kernel for
> deployment 3 months ago.
> The type app you describe seems like a common app for mysql.

Well yes and know to the use / not use MySQL-question. I wouldn't 
rate the university-use "mission critical". It runs good, that's what 
I hear from many people. And it's stablizing more and more. Got a 
bugfix-newsletter yesterday which only included some "minor" tweaks 
but no real holes. Why not give it a try in this surrounding? I 
believe its a good way to help evaluation of MySQL 4.x in a non-
mission-critical-environement and I would vote for that solution. 
That's only my personal oppion for sure.


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